1 - Brad Landen
3 - Brad Malone
5 - Andy Thompson
6 - Rodney Gillespie
7 - Justin Morse
9 - Richard Sandate
11 - Preston Hartfield
13 - Adam Simmons
17 - Clay Stephens
22 - Roy Guzman
28 - Johnny Bosley
33 - Jason Williams
34 - Miguel Vargas
44 - Jamie Johnson
52 - Anthony Staley
54 - Brandon Bradford
55 - Charlie Sandate
56 - Bob Cooper
58 - Jacob Ivins
60 - Heath Barnes
65 - James Pickrell
71 - Steven Ponder
76 - Jaime Guzman
77 - Dusty Matthews
78 - Daniel Ruddick
84 - Jeremy White
88 - Bill Dean

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