Olney 46, Chico 0 (September 4, 1998)

Olney 26 7 13 0 46
Chico 0 0 0 0 0

One Sentence Summary: 86 total yards in offense and defense gives up 247 yards - there may be a new Chico coach, but this game has a hauntingly familiar ring to it. 

O - McClatchy 11 yard pass from Hinson (XP)
O - Docking 4 yard run (XP failed)
O - Powdrell 37 yard run (XP failed)
O - Powdrell 41 yard run (XP)
O - Docking 2 yard run (XP)
O - Docking 3 yard run (XP)
O - Joey Brown 1 yard run (Pratt XP)

Chico Leading Rusher: Dusty Sides, 10 for 48 yards
Chico Leading Passer: O for 12 for 0 yards with 1 inteception
B'port Leading Receiver: None

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