A tongue in cheek review of the news published this week regarding Wise County. Normally posted every Sunday around 6:00 p.m.

For the week ending 2/19/00:
The Story County Attorney halts sale of building from Wise County to the City of Boyd due to the sale price being below the appraised value.
News worthiness (on a scale of 0 to 5) ****
The Spin One governmental entity (Wise County) receives oral permission from a governmental entity (Attorney General)  to sell the property to another governmental entity (the City of Boyd) but another governmental entity (Count Attorney), relying on a previous written opinion from the same governmental entity (the Attorney General), stops the sale from going through. Anybody in the private sector wish to get involved?

The Story Ten men arrested at Whataburger in Decatur after a midnight brawl.
News worthiness ***
The Spin "Would you like to be involved in a Whatafight with those fries?"

The Story After this political cartoon was printed in the Messenger, county icon Bob Holloway writes a Letter to the Editor calling it "rude, racist . . . obnoxious and insensitive". 
News worthiness **
The Spin The Spin simply smiles at the irony, and doubts that Mr. Holloway would appreciate the collection of Confederate Flag cartoons at this site.

The Story Rev. Warren Chesser, claiming "pettiness and rumors [are] a product of Satan", addresses the Slidell School Board about "unity". Most of the board members "bowed their heads and prayed" with several uttering "amen".
News worthiness ***
The Spin Punch and cookies were available afterwards in the school cafeteria which was immediately renamed "Fellowship Hall". 

The Story Rumors sweep Bridgeport Middle School about an alleged planned attack on the officers of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes with a pellet gun. (Actual story was that one student brought a BB gun to school with no evil intentions.)
News worthiness **
The Spin FCA members had begun self-defense drills using slings and stones. [Note: Biblically based joke].

The Story After county commissioners tabled action on a proposed public nuisance ordinance so that the County Attorney could review the wording, Commissioner Paul Wood stated "We might as well get it reviewed because we're going to get it reviewed whether we ask for it or not".
News worthiness **
The Spin The Spin loves a hot opinion thrown down without fear in the public forum. 

See something in the local papers that struck you funny?  Then suggest a topic for The Spin.

View Last week's issue.

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