A (sometimes) tongue in cheek review of the news published this week regarding Wise County.
Normally posted every Sunday around 6:00 p.m.
For the week ending 8/13/00:
The Story "The Corporation of Economic Development . . .  of the City of Bridgeport met in special session Tuesday afternoon to approve a $47,000 grant to Bridgeport Building Center, 'which will allow them to compete with 84 Lumber', according to Chairperson Jimmy Meyers." (Bridgeport Index - Front Page - Below the Fold).
News worthiness (on a scale of 0 to 5) ****
The Spin Are we reading this correctly? Taxpayer money is given to a private business so that it can compete against another private business? If so, Wise County on the Web officially requests a big bag of money so it can compete with Yahoo.

The Story James Gogniat's  letter to the editor suggests using prisoners for county maintenance needs. "We are paying good money to keep people in prison! We should get something back from them for the money we invest in rehabilitation through incarceration"
News worthiness *
The Spin We're sure the prisoners are very thankful for our rehabilitative efforts.

The Story At the request of the First Methodist Church of Decatur, the Planning and Zoning Commission changes the minimum space for parking slots to 9' X 18' from 10' X 20'.  (Noteworthy was the fact that five of the seven P&Z members belong to that particular church.) 
News worthiness **
The Spin The Baptists, who claim to drive larger cars, opposed the change.

The Story The Ultimate Salon Spa in Decatur advertises that it is now providing "Therma Stone Treatments".
News worthiness ****
The Spin It's not often you get to see a picture of a topless woman with rocks all over her back. (Messenger, Saturday edition, p. 11A).

The Story After  a renegade web site, "Cheers and Jeers of Wise County", makes a derogatory comment about him, Roy Eaton blasts the creator of this web site for listing "Cheers and Jeers" in the "Local Web Pages" section of Wise County on the Web.  "I guess Barry must know who [runs 'Cheers and Jeers'] since I'm sure he wouldn't 'link' to anybody he didn't know because I reckon that folks who host a website are responsible for what the 'linkers' say about folks," Eaton wrote.
News worthiness ***
The Spin Oops. The Messenger's web site has a similar page called "Related Links". Imagine our surprise when we visited the page and saw a link for none other than  "Cheers and Jeers". (Since the  Messenger will probably change the page, we took a picture of it for posterity's sake).

See something in the local papers that struck you funny?  Then suggest a topic for The Spin.

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