The Spin
A tongue in cheek review of the news published this week regarding Wise County.
Normally posted every Sunday before 10:00 p.m. unless I'm lazy.
(Note: To make sure you are receiving the most recent update, hold down the "Shift" key while you click on reload/refresh).
For the week ending 8/15/09

The Story  Newark home owners want a boat ramp closed because they say it is never used.
)News worthiness (1 to 5)
The Spin Wait. What?

The Story Oncor does some tree whacking across the county to clear them away from power lines.
News worthiness *
The Spin Subtlety and chain saws do not go well together.

The Story One of the biggest fires in Decatur's history:
News worthiness ****
The Spin Make that eight apartments, because the lower units will never be used again. 

The Story
News worthiness ***
The Spin Buried in the story was that preliminary numbers indicate that  group health insurance will rise 49%.  Where are those town hall trouble makers on that issue?

See something in the local papers that struck you funny?  Then suggest a topic for The Spin.

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